Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl XLIV

Now, why did I wait until the morning of the big game to write my column? Here's an answer in the form of a question: Do you remember who Eugene Robinson is? He played safety for the Atlanta Falcons in 1998, the year they faced off against the Denver Broncos in the Super Bowl. Eugene was an All-Pro safety that year, becoming one of the stars of the Atlanta defense, and proving to be more than just a piece of the puzzle. Eugene was also known for his "high moral character" and lauded by much of the mass media as one of the "good Christians" of the NFL.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

NFL Conference Championship Round

New York Jets AT Indianapolis Colts

Remember Sesame Street? I do. I grew up on it. I learned how to read, write, and speak (or at least learned how to start) mostly thanks to Big Bird and his crew. I loved Grover the most, and I remember my Grover doll that I had until I was about three years old, until I inexplicably lost it. That was a sad day…wait, I’m getting sidetracked. The reason I brought up Sesame Street is because I want you to recall one of the more famous motif’s from the show: “One of These Things is Not Like the Other!”

I’ll give you four guesses. I promise you’ll figure out my correlation eventually. Hint: I’m referring to one of the four football teams left in the playoffs.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

NFL Postseason Divisional Round

Did I pick a single game correctly last week? Is water wet? Is the sky blue? Is grass green? Can I write a good NFL postseason column? Who am I?!?!?!?

Obviously I have been reeling from my record this past weekend, often times visiting this website ( to connect with my more philosophical inner thoughts. However, they (who?) always say that it is not your ability to stay on top that makes you great, it is your ability to bounce back from adversity that makes you great. But who am I kidding? I’m dealing with as much adversity as Conan and Leno, who both have airplane hangars full of cars to go home to and beds made of two-dollar bills to cry into (do something, anything, to support Haiti. That country really just needs a collective hug.)

Monday, January 4, 2010

NFL Postseason Wild Card Round

I'm starting grad school soon, and I came to realize two things tonight: I need to rev my writing engines to get ready for the ridiculous deluge of papers that I will be writing and my inner, secret sports columnist psyche is itching. No crazy introduction, I'll get to the point and pick apart each game, piece by piece.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Manny Ramirez is a Fool

Being a Rockets fan, I would have no problems writing a column about the physicality in game 2 last night. Fisher got suspended, Artest didn't, and Kobe got fined. We can all talk about what should be different, but these are final decisions and tomorrow's game will actually go on as planned. Shocker, I know.

Something really irked me today on a number of levels. Manny Ramirez is out for 50 games now. His explanation? He didn't know that the drug his doctor prescribed him was on MLB's banned list. I feel like I've heard that explanation before from someone else...